2 min read

Little Navajo Falls

Supai's garden of waterfalls. A great place to relax and recover from the daily hikes.
Little Navajo Falls
Little Navajo Falls

The Little Navajo falls is one of the first waterfalls that welcomes hikers to Havasupai as they get closer to the campground. The waterfakk can be seen from the trail and the the overlook allows for a great panoramic group photo. A tiny bit of Fitfy Foot Falls can also be seen all the way in the background from the overlook.

This section of the creek has been transformed by floods in the past years, most notably in 2008 when a major flash flood hit the area.

Explore the area carefully and be mindful of the delicate mineral formations that take years to build around the falls.

Downstream from Little Navajo falls, a major erosion has affected the banks along the creek, shutting down the old trail path and forcing a new path/detour to be opened further up on the canyon.

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