2 min read

Havasu Falls

Enchanting turquoise waters contrasting with the surrounding vivid orange and red canyons walls make the recipe for one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.
Havasu Falls

This is an amazing place. This is the main attraction that everyone that hikes the 10 miles from the Hilltop comes to see.

Words are hard to describe the incredible beauty and positive energy of Havasu Falls.

The pictures below can give you a tiny hint of how it looks like, but like any other special place in nature, there is no other way to get close to understanding it than to experience it yourself, in person, sitting down on one of the rocks surrounding the pool, staring in disbelief at the waterfall and the richness of the scenery as you soak your feet in the clear and cold waters of the creek.

The blue green color of the Havasu creek are due to the magnesium, calcium and calcium-carbonate presence in its waters, the same factor that contributes to the formation of the travertine terraces seen in most of the waterfalls in the Supai area [source].

Havasu Falls has been featured in Beyoncé’s Spirit music video from Disney’s The Lion King and in the 2007 movie Next starring Nicholas Cage.

Havasu Falls

The proximity to the Havasupai campground, its easy access and open space makes the Havasu Falls area the perfect place to relax, read a book or just catch the positive good vibes of the place on pretty much every day of your stay.


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