3 min read

Beaver Falls

A paradise of tiered waterfalls with plenty of swimming holes awaits hikers further downstream on the Havasu creek, 6 miles from the Havasupai campground.
Beaver Falls
The tiered waterfalls and swimming holes of the amazing Beaver Falls

From the Havasupai campground, It takes an exposed descent of a canyon wall at Mooney Falls (descend at your own risk), followed by a 6-mile hike to get to Beaver Falls, but not only the final destination is worth the effort, so is the scenery along the way to get there.

The hike to Beaver Falls

Beaver Falls is located 6 miles downstream from the Havasupai campground. To get there, you first have to carefully conquer the exposed descent of the canyon wall at Mooney Falls to get down to the canyon floor and then continue through the hiking trail all the way to the falls area. Along the way, you will have to cross the Havasu creek three time (as of March 2020) with water by your thighs in places not very well marked. A few more stairs to climb up and down the canyon wall (in addition to Mooney’s) will challenge you before you can get there.

But it is all worth the effort. Not only Beaver Falls is a spectacular set of tiered turquoise waterfalls and swimming holes, but the scenery along the trail is phenomenal. The pictures below show some of that, but they could not capture all of the vivid colors and details of the landscape.

Quick hint: a Supai Park Ranger usually keeps track of the number of people and groups coming in and out of the falls area for safety reasons. They may also ask to see everyone’s permit bracelets. If they get you checked in, let them know when you are leaving so they count you and your group out of the falls area.

Beaver Falls

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